Multiple Awards for
SOFTONE cosmoONE’s Applications
SILVER Award in the category “specialized applications in business sectors” for the implementation of electronic auction “neutral technology”, on behalf of the Ministry of Energy and Climate Change, of an innovative algorithm , which enabled the simultaneous participation of two different technologies of RES projects in the competitive procedures of operational support of RES projects.
WITSA ICT Excellence Awards 2022
First prize at the 2022 WITSA Global Innovation & Technology Excellence Awards in the Sustainable Growth / Circular Economy (Private Sector/NGO) category for cosmoONE’s “System for Submitting and Managing Applications for Energy Producer Certification from RES (Renewable Energy Sources) and CHP (High-Efficiency Electricity-Heat Cogeneration)’’.
Award for the Energy Application System from RES and CHP. The Application Submission and Management System for Renewable and CHP Energy Producer Certification was developed in 2020, in record time, to effectively address the increasing number and complexity of managing applications for renewable energy production. It became immediately productive with numerous interfaces to the TAXIS, DIAS and DIAGEIA systems, as well as the RAE GIS system. This platform handles a participation load of 150+ participants by submitting, checking and sorting 3,000+ participation documents and over 2,000 bids per auction in 30 minutes.
TOP 10 Procurement Solution Providers Europe 2019
A place in the top ten of the best companies in Europe in the provision of electronic procurement solutions, was occupied by cosmoONE, in the recent ranking of the “CIO Applications Europe” technology magazine, which highlights the new trends and IT solutions for corporates.
GOLD award in the Business Information Technology Excellence awards, in the Specialized Sectoral Applications category, together with the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) for Electronic Tenders for Renewable Energy Sources.
This platform has been specifically developed for RAE and manages tenders for 150+ participants who upload over 3.000 participation documents and submit more than 2,000 bids per auction within 30 minutes.
e-volution PLATINUM AWARD 2019
sourceONE, the cosmoONE’s electronic tendering platform was the nomination that earned the highest average score in the “E-Business Services & Infrastructure” section among all winners, taking out the PLATINUM award.
e-volution GOLD AWARD 2019
sourceONE, won the GOLD award in the category “e-Commerce Platforms”. sourceONE is an e-procurement application accredited for the public sector, and for tenders over €60,000, and offers a wide range of functionalities, from market research and management of tenders, to the integrated conduct and evaluation of open and closed tenders.
e-volution SILVER AWARD 2018
CosmoONE won the Silver Award as a leading B2B in Greece ( in the Best in B2B category.
WITSA ICT Excellence Awards 2017
First prize at the WITSA ICT Excellence Awards 2017 in the Sustainable Growth category for the eAuction Services in the Greek energy market. The project represented the country at the International Computer Science Awards presented by the Greek Association of Information Technology & Communications (SEPE).
Healthcare Business Awards 2017
Silver Award in the Digital Applications category for the management / support of health care units with the implementation of careONE at the General Hospital of Kalamata.
In particular, cosmoONE contributed to the more efficient realization of the supplies of the General Hospital of Kalamata with the implementation of the callONE for the Total Electronic Management of Procurement Requests.
e-volution SILVER AWARD 2017
Silver award in category e-Servicesfor the participation: “Continuous Β2Β innovation”.
The total contribution of cosmoONE’s B2B e Commerce platform since 2001,was awarded for the configuration and evolution of E-Commerce sector in Greece.
Bronze Award in Information Systems & Online Applications / Services for participation: “CosmoONE has developed the first Dynamic Purchasing System in Greece on behalf of Public Power Corporation SA”. It has been awarded the initiative for the implementation of the first Dynamic Purchasing System innovation by cosmoONE for PPC’s Materials and Procurement Directorate, as described in the relevant European Union Directive 2014/25/EU.
e-volution GOLD AWARD 2016
Gold Award in the category B2B e-Commerce & e-Business for the participation of: “Usage of the compareONE application in Public Hospitals”. It has been awarded the total acceptance of the application compareONE in 2015, during its operation in ten public hospitals in Greece, replacing the obsolete collection of offerse (paper, fax, email), with a modern system with a common interface for Hospitals and suppliers.
e-volution SILVER AWARD 2015
Silver Award in the Implementation of B2B e-Commerce for the participation of: “e-Sourcing suite”.
cosmoONE’s innovation has been awarded, as the company has provided a range of interconnected and standalone cloud services for interactive customer engagement, focusing on qualitative and quantitative parameters of total procurement cost.
e-volution BRONZE AWARD 2014
Bronze Award in category Services and Infrastructure of E-Business for the participation: “Conduction of Forward Online Auctions”.
With this award, cosmoONE’s ability and know-how in organizing Bidding Electronic Auctions on behalf of leading companies in Greece and abroad was rewarded.
e-volution AWARD 2013
Award in category Services and Infrastructure of E-Business for the participation: “Dealing Business Abroad”.
The total business activity of cosmoONE abroad, in Romania, Serbia and Azerbaijan, was awarded. In particular, the provision of distinguished services and applications of e-procurements cosmoONE has distributed not only to subsidiaries of OTE Group, but to the wide market as well.
e-volution AWARD 2012
Award in category “Electronic Services for Businesses” for the participation: “Implementation of Online Auctions”.
The experience of cosmoONE,and the competitive advantages it has offered to its shareholders and clients, the continuous provision of Online Auctions Service since 2001, were awarded.